Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Moving over....

Running out of storage space on this blog... will continue to share my kitchen adventures in this new space:

See ya there! :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Panfried Threadfin Fillet

Finally a looooong weekend break for me, haven't took leave and rest so long for months! But it was a rather busy 4 days... with family gathering and wedding lunch to attend, and housewarming party to host... continuous feasting. It's time to get back to simple and delightful home-cooked food, and so....I prepared 3 dishes for today's meal.

Panfried Threadfin Fillet

Ingredients: (serves 2)
200g threadfin fillet
1/4tsp salt
1/8tsp pepper
1/4tsp dried parsely
few drops of oil

1. Divide the salt, pepper and dried parsely into 2 parts, and rub them on each side of the fish. Set aside for 10-15min.
2. Add a few drops of oil to Happycall double-sided pan, place fish in the middle of the pan and cover the lid. Cook for 5-8min and flip over.
3. Continue frying till the middle of the fish is cooked and the surface turns golden brown. Remove from heat and serve.

Stir fried Brocolli and Cauliflower

Stir fried Brocolli and Cauliflower

Ingredients: (serves 4)
250g broccoli (cut into bite size)
100g cauliflower (cut into bite size)
1/2 small carrot (sliced)
8 frozen cooked shrimps (thawed)
5 fishballs (sliced)
1 slice of bacon (shredded)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp concentrated chicken stock
120ml water

1. Fill half a medium-sized pot with water, bring to boil. Add broccoli and cauliflower, boil for 5min till colour changes. Drain and set aside.
2. Add bacon to a non stick frying pan (no oil needed), fry till bacon turns golden brown and crispy. Remove from heat and set aside.
3. Using the oil left behind by the bacon, stir fry minced garlic till fragrant and golden brown. Add the shrimps, carrot and fishballs, and stir fry for 2min.
4. Add the broccoli and cauliflower, stir fry for 3min. Add oyster sauce and stir well.
5. Add chicken stock to water, stir well, then add the mixture to the pan. Cover the pan to simmer for 1min. Remove from heat and serve.

Bulgogi Beef with Peppers and Onion

Bulgogi Beef with Peppers and Onion

Ingredients: (serves 4)
250g sliced beef
1/2 yellow onion (shredded)
1/2 small carrot (shredded)
1/4 red and yellow pepper each (shredded)
1pkt Korean Bulgogi Marinade (Asian Home Gourmet)
2 cloves garlic
a dash of pepper
few drops of oil
some toasted white sesame seeds

1. Marinate beef with the pkt of marinade. Set aside for 1 hour before cooking.
2. Add a few drops of oil to frying pan, stir fry garlic till fragrant and golden brown.
3. Add onion, carrot and peppers, stir fry till soft and cooked.
4. Add beef, stir fry till cooked, then add a dash of pepper.
5. Remove from heat, add sesame seeds onto the dish before serving.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Blueberry Cheesey Egg Tarts

Sounds weird. doesn't it? Blueberry Cheesey Egg Tarts... hahaha, I have to rename them since they are supposed to be blueberry cheese tarts! Think I diluted the mixture by adding "extra" egg into the cream cheese mixture, didn;t want to waste that half egg left over after making the dough for the pastry. The cream cheese bought from Phoon Huat didn't help either... next time I'll get Kraft Philadelphia cheese and try making again. Oh...and my oven! Should I invest in a oven thermometer? hmmm...

overbaked! :(
Blueberry Cheesey Egg Tarts

(A) Pastry

Ingredients: (makes 20)
100g butter (room temperature)
40g caster sugar
½ egg
200g plain flour

1. Cream the butter with caster sugar until white and creamy.
2. Add egg and continue to beat.
3. Fold in flour until it becomes a dough.
4. Line the small tart tins with dough. Poke holes using a fork on the tart shell.
5. Preheat oven at 175°C for 10 mins and bake for 10-15min till golden brown.
6. Slide tart out from mould and let it cool down.

(B) Cheese filling
Adapted from: not the kitchen sink

125g cream cheese
30g icing sugar
1tsp orange zest
1/2tsp vanilla essence
25ml evaporated milk
1tbsp cornstarch
1 1/2 egg
some fresh blueberry sauce (or jam)

1. Allow the cream cheese to soften before beating in the sugar until creamy.
2. Add the egg into the mixture, together with the orange zest and vanilla essence, mixing well. Pour in the evaporated milk and mix until well incorporated.

To assemble the tart:
1. Pour the cream cheese filling into the cooled tart shells, until about 80% filled. Spoon some blueberry sauce into the tart shells.
2. To create a marbled effect, use a toothpick to draw the blueberry sauce in the cream cheese in a swirly motion.
3. Bake the tarts at 170deg for another 10-15min, or until the cream cheese filling is set and the tart crust is golden brown in color.
4. Remove from oven and cool for at least 30 min before consuming.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mini Quiche

Baked this for hubb's breakfast the next day, and also to clear some of the ingredients left in the fridge... bacon, minced beef, half onion and cut capsicums. Came out with two flavours...and both are hubb's favourite :)
the bacon ones...

and the minced beef flavour... looks like chocolate chips huh? :P
Mini Quiche

(A) Pastry
Ingredients: (makes 8)
120g plain flour
80g butter
1/2 egg (lightly beaten)
2tsp sugar

Directions for the pastry:
1. Cut cold butter into small cubes. Combine flour and mix well.
2. Rub in the cold butter and mix well. Add half of the beaten egg and vanilla essence, mix to form a soft dough (do not knead). Set aside the remaining egg for glazing later.
3. Wrap with cling wrap and refrigerate at least 30min before use.
4. Prepare the filling while waiting.
5. After 30min, preheat oven at 180deg.
6. Take out dough and divide it into equal parts (depending on the size of your mould, mine is around 6cm, enough for me to make 8 pieces). Press the dough into tart moulds evenly.
7. Bake for 10-15min till crust turns slightly brown, remove from oven and set aside.

(B) Quiche filling (beef and bacon flavour)
2 slices bacon (cut into small strips)
4tbsp minced beef
1/2 onion (diced)
1/8 red and yellow capsicum each (diced)
some grated cheese
1tbsp light soy sauce
a dash of black pepper

1. Marinate the beef with light soy sauce and pepper. Set aside.
2. Heat up frying pan, no oil required. Add bacon and fry till crispy. Remove from heat and set aside.
3. Using the oil left behind from the bacon, stir fry the onion and capsicum together till soften and onion turns slightly brown. Remove from heat and set aside.
4. Add minced beef and stir fry till cooked. Remove from heat and set aside.

Ingredients for egg custard:
1 1/2 eggs (lightly beaten)
150ml fresh milk
a pinch of salt

Directions: Mix the above ingredients in a measuring cup (with sprout) and stir well.

To assemble:
1. Preheat oven at 160deg.
2. Divide bacon into 4 equal portions and fill them into 4 quiche casing. Do the same for the beef.
3. Divide the onion and capsicums equally and fill them in all the quiche casings.
4. Pour the egg and milk mixture into each quiche till 90% full. Spread grated cheese on the surface.
5. Bake for 15-25min till quiche surface turns brown. Serve warm.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Chicken Kebab

Finally got the chance to try out the pack of skewers bought from Daiso, 5 pcs for only $2! It's definitely a simple and yummy dish, I served it with white rice and campbell cream of mushroom soup. But one thing I didn't expect was the grilling time of my microwave grill oven, it took rather long for the meat to cook, even though they are already cut into such small pieces...still figuring out the reason. Hmm... maybe should try grilling in happycall double-sided pan next time, to save my electricity bill? :P

Chicken Kebab

Ingredients: (makes 5 sticks)
2 chicken thigh meat (deboned, cut into bite size)
1/2 red and yellow capsicum each (cut into bite size)
1/2 onion (cut into bite size)
1 small japanese cucumber (cut into 0.5cm slices)
2tbsp korean bulgolgi sauce
a dash of black pepper
a dash of mixed herbs

1. Marinate the chicken with the bulgolgi sauce, pepper and mixed herbs. Refridgerate for at least 1 hour before cooking.
2. After 1 hour, drain the chicken,add the cucumber and onion into the marinate sauce for the chicken.
3. Divide all the ingredients equally into 5 portions, and poke them through the skewer, alternating the ingredients to get a nice colur combination.
4. Grill in microwave oven (high power) for 40min or till browned and cooked.

Ingredients for the drizzle sauce:
1tbsp hoisin sauce
1tsp honey
2tbsp hot water

Directions: Mix the above ingredients in a small bowl and stir well. Drizzle over the kebab when it's ready.