Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Panfried Threadfin Fillet

Finally a looooong weekend break for me, haven't took leave and rest so long for months! But it was a rather busy 4 days... with family gathering and wedding lunch to attend, and housewarming party to host... continuous feasting. It's time to get back to simple and delightful home-cooked food, and so....I prepared 3 dishes for today's meal.

Panfried Threadfin Fillet

Ingredients: (serves 2)
200g threadfin fillet
1/4tsp salt
1/8tsp pepper
1/4tsp dried parsely
few drops of oil

1. Divide the salt, pepper and dried parsely into 2 parts, and rub them on each side of the fish. Set aside for 10-15min.
2. Add a few drops of oil to Happycall double-sided pan, place fish in the middle of the pan and cover the lid. Cook for 5-8min and flip over.
3. Continue frying till the middle of the fish is cooked and the surface turns golden brown. Remove from heat and serve.

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