Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baking butter cakes with Happycall double-sided pan

Have read so much about the miracles that Happycall double-sided pan can create, and yes, baking a cake as well! Finally went ahead and did 3 experiments within 2 weeks. Preparation was not a problem, the tricky part is controlling the flame and also making sure that heat is evenly applied to the pan at all times by shifting the pan  left and right once a while.

First experiment: cake tasted great! but the bottom was slightly burnt and I had to scrap off the burnt parts. :(
not good....must try again!

Orange Butter Cake with raisins (using happycall pan)
Adapted from: Munch Ministry

250g butter, softened
150g fine sugar
250g self raising flour
3 eggs
Zest from 2 medium size orange
100ml freshly squeezed orange juice (without pulp)
1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Whisk butter and sugar till pale and creamy
2. Add in eggs one at a time (ensure one egg completely incorporated into mixture before adding another one). Scrap the sides to ensure mixture is evenly mixed.
3. Add in Vanilla essence. Mix well.
4. Fold in self raising flour and orange juice, alternating in 3 or 4 batches till well incorporated.
5. Add in Zests of orange. Mix well.
6. Grease HCP with vegetable oil or butter, scoop in the mixture. When done,  use the ladle or back of the spoon to ensure the mixture spread out evenly in the pan.
7. On low heat medium stove head, bake for 20 mins shifting the pan from side to side, flip and bake for another 5 mins, shifting the pan to create an even brown top.

Second experiment: Used the same recipe, but added a layer of fresh banana slices in the middle. This time I experimented at mum's place and used her jumbo grill pan. It was almost perfect with nice grill lines created on the cake!

love the bananas and the nice "lines"! :)

Third experiment: This time just made plain butter cake, replaced the orange juice with milk, added dried raisins and cranberries. Baked with my Ocher deeper pan at home, much better result than the first one. As the saying goes... Practice makes perfect! so... never give up!  :)

nice, moist and fluffy 

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