Monday, October 29, 2012

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Today, I tried making the food that I've been "cooking" in virtual world, in "Chefville", a popular cooking game created by Zynga on fb. :P Upon achieving mastery stars for the dishes, the game actually send the players real recipes of the dishes via emails! here are 3 of the dishes which I've "mastered" so far...

Broccoli Cheese Soup
Adapted from:  Chefville

Ingredients: (makes 4 bowls)
1/2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp flour
half a yellow onion, diced
500g broccoli, chopped into small pieces
100g cheddar cheese, shredded
pinch of salt
pinch of black pepper
500ml fresh milk

1. Saute onions in butter, stirring occasionally in medium sized pot until onions are tender. Whisk in flour completely.
2. Add broccoli and milk, cook on medium heat till broccoli is tender. Stir occasionally.
3. The flour should thicken up the soup. Add cheddar cheese and stir until melted.
4. Season with salt and black pepper.

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