Monday, October 22, 2012

Ondeh Ondeh

Was inspired to try making this after browsing some nice pics posted by a fellow neighbour on FB. The recipe looks easy, and since me and hubbs really love sweets with gula melaka, decided to prepare this as dessert for today :)

This version is made without using any sweet potato, just glutinous flour and pandan paste to acheive the green colour. Brought to office for my colleagues to try, some commented that the texture was rather chewy, one said it was a bit hard, but glad that they enjoyed it afterall. Hubbs totally loved it, ate five pieces at one go! :)

Ondeh Ondeh  (without sweet potato)

Adapted from: iloveicookibake

Ingredients: (makes around 25 balls)
250g glutinuous rice flour
50g rice flour
150ml water
1 tsp pandan paste
100g palm sugar - chopped
1/4 tsp salt
1 litre water
grated coconut

1. Mix both flour, set aside
2. Mix water and pandan paste.
3. Pour the water mixture onto the flour mixture, mix and knead til forming a clay like texture
3. Take 1 tbsp dough, flatten, put palm sugar filling at the centre, close and shape like a ball.
4. Bring water to a boil, put the balls in it, let cook and float
5. Drain and immediately roll them on the grated coconut which has been mixed with salt til evenly covered
Note: Do steam the grated coconut for approx 15mins prior to use - it'll stay fresh longer.

After "mastering" this delighful snack, it became my "contribution" for the weekend family potluck gathering. This time, I also tried the original recipe using sweet potato. I used purple ones to contrast it with the green ones using the above recipe. Hubbs helped with the preparation as well, fun afternoon in the kitchen together :)

Ondeh Ondeh  (sweet potato version)

Skin: (makes 20-22 balls)
180g purple sweet potato, mashed
50g glutinous rice flour
20g corn flour
25g sugar
30-45ml water, depending on the dough

100g gula melaka, chopped

1/2 young shredded coconut + pinch of salt, steamed for 5 minutes

1. Mix skin ingredients and knead into a smooth dough.
2. Divide into small balls and wrap in filling.
3. Put balls into boiling water. Boil until balls float up, remove and coat with shredded coconut.

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