Friday, October 12, 2012

Cheeseburger with Baked Beans

Something different for hubby's breakfast today :)

Cheeseburger with Baked Beans

Ingredients: (serves 2)
2 hamburger buns (sunshine)
2 beef patties (farmland)
2 slices cheese
2 pieces lettuce
2 pieces red lettuce
2 slices tomatoes
half can baked beans
2 drops cooking oil

1. Add 2 drops of cooking oil to non-stick frying pan, fry the beef patty till both sides are golden brown. Turn off the flame but do not remove from pan.
2. Place cheese slices on the patty, allowing the cheese to melt a little on the patty.
3. Slice the hamburger bun into half, place the lettuce on the bottom half.
4. Place the patty with cheese, followed by a slice of tomato. Cover the burger.
5. Heat up the baked beans, place on red lettuce and serve together with burger.

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