Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hei Mama Egg Tarts (黑妈妈祖传蛋挞)

Quoted from Small Small Baker:

"Hei Mama Egg Tarts is a very hot recipe among the Chinese bloggers and receive very good ratings. The recipe originates from a Chinese blog by Hei Mama (黑妈妈) posted in year 2009. So that's how its name comes from. Along the years, it has also been modified and adapted by many bloggers and readers. Some of them never give credit to the original recipe!"

Indeed, this recipe is really good, especially for a first time baker like me. The steps are easy to follow, and I successfully came out with a batch of yummy egg tarts in two hours time...started "work" after lunch, and these fresh from the oven egg tarts came just in time for our tea break :)

think I overbaked a little, looks more like Portuguese egg tarts huh? :P

Hei Mama Egg Tarts (黑妈妈祖传蛋挞)
Adapted from:  Small Small Baker

Filling: (makes about 20 tarts)
100g sugar
300ml water
5 eggs, lightly beaten
150ml evaporated milk
1/2tsp vanilla essence
1. Heat up water and sugar until sugar dissolves. Leave it to cool.
2. Then add in beaten eggs and evaporated milk. Mix well, sieve the egg mixture and set aside.

300g plain flour
2 tbsp custard powder
1 egg
200g butter
1/2tsp vanilla essence

1. Cut cold butter into small cubes. Combine flour, custard powder and mix well.
2. Rub in the cold butter, mix well and add beaten egg, mix to form a soft dough (do not knead).
3. Wrap with cling wrap and refrigerate at least 30min before use.

(Alternatively, you can try out this Melted Butter Easy Method by CookBakeLove)
1. Melt butter. Combine all dry ingredients and mix well,.
2. Add melted butter and beaten egg. Using a pair of chopsticks mix to form a soft dough. Wrap with cling wrap and refrigerate before use.

To assemble:
1. Divide the pastry dough equally into 20 pieces about 30g each (depending on your mould size). Press the dough into tart moulds evenly.
2. Bake tart casing in preheated oven at 180 deg C for 5min. Fill egg mixture into the casing till 90% full and bake for another 15-20mins till edges are brown.

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