Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fried Marrow with Dried Shrimps

Prepared these two simple dishes, based on previous observations while mum cooked them.

Fried Marrow with Dried Shrimps

Ingredients: (serves 4)
1 medium sized marrow (shredded)
a small bunch of dongfen (soaked in water till soft)
some dred shrimps
3 cloves garlic (minced)
2tbsp oyster sauce
2tbsp water (or chicken stock)
2 drops cooking oil

1. Add 2 drops cooking oil to non stick frying pan, fry garlic till brown and fragrant.
2. Over medium flame, add dried shrimps and dongfen, stir for 1 min and add shredded marrow.
3. Stir fry the marrow for 3 min, add oyster sauce and water.
4. Cover the pan, allowing the marrow to simmer for 2min till cooked. Serve.

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