Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chicken Pie

Today's bake is specially done for mum, since this is one of her favourite snack. Fresh from the oven during teatime, it goes really well with a cup of hot milk tea or coffee :)

filled with succulent chunky chicken meat! :)

not enough dough to cover the top...became a chicken tart instead :D
Chicken Pie

Ingredients: (makes 7)
200g plain flour
110g butter
1 egg (lightly beaten)
200g chicken breast meat (diced)
100g frozen mixed vegetables (defrost not necessary)
1 pkt campbell instant chicken soup powder
1/2tsp vanilla essence
2tsp sugar
1tbsp light soy sauce
a dash of pepper
150ml hot water
some oil

Directions for the pastry:
1. Cut cold butter into small cubes. Combine flour and mix well.
2. Rub in the cold butter and mix well. Add half of the beaten egg and vanilla essence, mix to form a soft dough (do not knead). Set aside the remaining egg for glazing later.
3. Wrap with cling wrap and refrigerate at least 30min before use.
4. Prepare the filling while waiting.

Directions for the filling:
1. Marinate the chicken with light soy sauce and pepper.
2. Add hot water to campbell instant soup powder in a bowl, mix well, set aside.
3. Boil the frozen vegetables in hot water for 3min, drain and set aside.
4. Add a few drops of oil in a saucepan, add chicken meat and stir fry for 3min.
5. Add the campbell soup into the saucepan, stir well, and add the frozen vegetables. Turn down the flame to low heat, simmer for about 5min, stirring in between to prevent burning at the bottom of the pot. Remove from heat and set aside.

To assemble:
1. Preheat oven at 180deg.
2. Using two-third of the dough, divide the dough into equal parts (depending on the size of your mould, mine is around 6cm, enough for me to make 7 pieces only). Press the dough into tart moulds evenly.
3. Fill the moulds with the filling, till 80% full.
4. Divide the last third of the dough into equal parts according to the number of moulds you have. (I divided mine into 7 parts) Roll out each part with a rolling pin, cut a circle out using the tart mould.
5. Cover the moulds with the circle dough, press the edges down lightly using a fork. Poke some holes on the surface of the pie and glaze the top with the remaining egg.
6. Bake for 25-30min till pie surface turns golden brown.

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