Saturday, November 10, 2012

Milk Pudding with Peach Puree and Kiwi

And the special dessert prepared for the gals... this is the same as the Panna Cotta made previously, just using different ingredients as toppings. This easy to make and refreshing dessert has once again proven to be a "hit", and will definitely be listed in the menu of my "private restaurant" for guests next time :)

Milk Pudding with Peach Puree and Kiwi

Ingredients: (makes 5 small cups)
2tsp gelatine powder
3tbsp water
450ml fresh milk (I used Meiji)
2tbsp sugar
1/2tsp vanilla essence

1. Add gelatine powder to water, stir to dissolve the powder.
2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low heat, stir till sugar dissolves and tiny bubbles appear around the edge of the pot.
3. Remove from heat and add in the gelatine mixture, stir until thoroughly incorporated.
4. Pour mixture into small cups, leave to cool till room temperature and refridgerate for at least 3 hours.
5. Serve with peach puree and fresh kiwi.

Ingredients for the peach puree:
8 slices of canned peach (diced)
1tbsp sugar
2tbsp water

1. Add the above ingredients in a saucepan. Boil till peach becomes soft and sugar dissolves. Remove from heat.
2. Pour the mixture onto a plate, mash the peach with fork and stir the mixture well. Set aside to cool till room temperature and chill in refridgerator until serving the dessert.

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