Monday, November 12, 2012

Pandan Yoghurt Swissroll with Custard Peach Filling

Roll roll first swissroll :) No cream, no oil, modified the recipe using all the ingredients that I like... pandan, custard and peach! Not a bad attempt, though the cake was a little rough as i chose the "lazy"method mixing whole eggs instead of beating the yolks and whites separating (the chiffon way). Custard was too thick and I ended up with a very "heavy" swissroll, perhaps better if reduce the amount by one third.

Pandan Yoghurt Swissroll with Custard Peach Filling
Adapted from: passionbaker

Ingredients: (Makes approximately 13" x 11" sheet pan)
4 eggs
60g fine sugar
80g cake flour, sifted
a pinch of salt
40g yoghurt
1tsp pandan paste

1. Whisk the eggs until lighten, then add the sugar gradually and beat till thick and lighten (thick ribbon stage).
2. Add sifted flour and salt in batches into the egg batter, fold to combine.
3. Add pandan paste to yoghurt, mix well. Fold into the batter to combine. The batter will be smooth and thick.
4. Pour into a lined sheet pan, and bake it at preheated oven of 180deg for about 10-12mins, until cake is cooked and top layer is golden brown.
5. Let it cool for a while and unmould from pan.

Ingredients for the custard filling:
350ml milk
40g custard powder
1/2tsp vanilla essence
40g sugar
6-7 slices canned peach (pureed)

1. Add all the dry ingredients into a saucepan, then add in milk gradually, stir constantly to avoid lumps from forming.
2. Heat mixture over medium low heat, stir constantly till mixture thickens. Add peach puree and combine well. Remove from heat.
3. Allow the mixture to cool down, then spread evenly onto the cake and roll it up before serving.

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