Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Orange Chiffon Cake

I've done it, my favourite chiffon! Extremely happy with the result of this cake, especially after reading so many "scary" things that could go wrong for a chiffon cake. Managed to acheive one that is nicely shaped, spongy, moist and fragrant, but needs improvement on the folding and mixing of the yolks and whites, and also more confidence during the baking process. I was practically standing beside the oven throughout, opening the door to check on the cake every now and then. But alas, the "painstaking care and attention" given to it paid off! Next project... my all-time favourite... Pandan Chiffon!! :)

nicely shaped, but destroyed by my lousy unmoulding skill...haha

soft, moist and spongy :)

Orange Chiffon Cake
Adapted from: wensdelight

(A) 5 egg yolks, 40g castor sugar
(B) 80ml orange juice, 50g sunflower oil
(C) 100g cake flour (Sieve twice), zests from 1 orange
(D) 6 egg whites, 80g castor sugar, 1/2tsp cream of tartar

Directions: (For 23cm chiffon mould)
Preheat oven at 170deg

Part A:
1. Whisk (A) till the egg yolks turn creamy pale yellow colour or till sugar melt.
2. Add in (B) and mix well.
3. Fold in (C) and mix well.

Part B:
1. Whisk egg whites till foamy, add cream of tartar, then add sugar in batches and whisk till stiff peak forms.
2. Add in 1/3 of the egg white mixture into Part A mixture and mix well.
3. Pour this mixture back to the remaining egg white mixture and fold well till the mixture is smooth flowing and glossy.
4. Pour into a clean & grease free 23cm chiffon mould and bake for 40-50 mins or till cooked. Bang the mould before going into the oven to release excess air. To test doneness of the cake, bake until the cake rises high and then starts to shrink.
5. When the cake is cooked, invert the cake to cool. Remove the cake from the cake pan when it is completely cool (takes around 1hr).

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