Sunday, November 18, 2012

Egg Pudding topped with Fresh Grapes

Left with a single egg yolk resting in my fridge after making the chiffon cake, what shall I do with it? Was browsing around online and found a dessert recipe, creme brulee with caramel sauce! A perfect dessert which will help me clear that egg yolk and most importantly, to welcome hubbs home after 2 weeks since he loves caramel!

But you may wonder, where is my caramel sauce then? Oh well... I still haven't figure out what happened to it either. Followed the recipe, using the exact amount of ingredients and the steps... instead of getting a nice brown caramel sauce, what I acheived was a sugar syrup, with the water evaporating very quickly and in no time, the syrup "changed" back into sugar again! No browning took place...hmmm. Due to time constraint as I was rushing off to work, I couldn't experiment another round, and hence, produced this dessert with Taiwan grapes given by mum from her Taiwanese friend. Glad that hubbs still enjoyed it :)

thanks to the pandan leaves, makes the pudding looks nicer :)

Egg Pudding topped with Fresh Grapes

Ingredients: (makes 6 small cups)
250ml milk
2tbsp sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1/4tsp vanilla essence
6-9 grapes (cut into halves)

1. Preheat oven to 170deg.
2. Simmer sugar and milk in a saucepan till sugar dissolved and milk is warm.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg, egg yolk and vanilla essence together.
4. Pour some warm milk slowly into the beaten egg mixture, stir well.
5. Pour the egg mixture back into remaining warm milk, stir well, then strain the mixture.
6. Pour mixture into moulds, steam bake pudding in preheated oven for 25min till set.
7. Remove from oven, allow the pudding to cool on a rack, then chill in fridge.
8. To unmould: slowly loosen the sides, then sit mould in shallow hot water to loosen the base. Invert pudding onto dish, add grapes as toppings and serve.

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